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From Associated Press: Hollywood legend Mel Gibson forks over $$$ to Russian baby momma

Hollywood has always cashed in on "man's man" actor figures, from Robert Taylor to John Wayne to Clint Eastwood, including Mel Gibson. While most of the other testosterone-laden male movie stars were habitual offenders of marital fidelity, divorce and remarriage, Mr. Gibson seemed intent on carrying the torch of the committed family man, a devout Catholic and recovering alcoholic who seemed intent to steer clear of the philandering Hollywood superstar stereotype.

That all came crashing down with his DUI arrest during which he spewed antisemitic invectives to the arresting officer. His marriage collapsed soon after and, as if to make good on lost years of extramarital frolicking, he quickly secured the graces of a gorgeous Russian musician (see pictures here) who also had the good fortune to become pregnant by Gibson.

The couple's separation was followed by a long and bitter legal dispute over financial support of mother and child (the couple's daughter will turn 2 in October). On Wednesday the judge approved of the settlement the parties finally reached, which includes the payment by Gibson of $750,000 to the ex-girlfriend, the payment of support to the child equal to what the actor provides to his other 7 children, and continued payments on the multimillion dollar house he purchased for the ex-girlfriend and their daughter.

Lessons to be learned (especially if you are not a Hollywood superstar with fat bank accounts):

1) Fatherhood is not a game. Sowing your oats is not a fantasy sport and normal, hard-working stiffs will find it very hard to abide by judge-imposed orders of spousal and/or child support AND move on with your life.

2) If you want to start a family, make sure you understand the type of commitment it takes both on your part and of your bride's. Does she seem the type that has what it takes to stick it out though thin and thick? How are her parents like, what values has she received in her upbringing? Are you one to stand by her side when things get nasty (and they will at times, make no mistake about it), whether for financial, medical or personal reasons?

3) Divorce, especially if children are involved, is a very damaging process. Attempt spousal counseling, church counseling and any other kind of support accessible to you before considering divorce. Absent spousal violence, there is hope that, with help, both you and your spouse will receive wisdom from these third parties that will help you bridge the difficult times you are going through....

Read the whole story at  http://news.yahoo.com/mel-gibson-pay-ex-750k-settle-custody-case-162602490.html

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